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My whole existence has been ruled by means of one simple question, “How did all of this start”? By all of this I of route am relating to our complete universe. I even have contemplated this question for over 25 years, and I am 31 years vintage now. Science turned into usually my preferred problem. When I became growing up. I used to spend hours in excessive school discussing my very own mind and theories with my science teachers after college. I continued to do so even if I attended the University. I found out the three most famous and universal theories of the day. The most famous of that is the Big Bang Theory. The simplest credit I am willing to present the Big Bang Theory is that it’s miles possible, but; improbable it can be. What keeps the Big Bang Theory alive is that there appears to be scientifically proven evidence that factors to it as the only and best clarification. I might argue that all of the very identical evidence that seemingly helps the Big Bang can also help other hypothesis. The one sticking factor for me is the “Before Period”. What existed earlier than the singularity exploded? Where did all of that energy come from? We are speaking, in any case, about all the power contained within all the count within the universe; in addition to all of the unfastened strength traversing this expanse. The Oscillating Universe Theory is high-quality, but it suffers the equal trouble; assuming there ever truely was a beginning. If the universe has continually existed then it’s far a doable concept. The equal holds proper for the Steady State Universe Theory. The perception that the universe has constantly existed, and could always exist because it has for all time and ever. The best exchange in this version is the distances between galaxies, and different items increases with new rely being created; so that the universe keeps to look the equal in all guidelines The big hassle with this idea is that we realize the universe isn’t always unchanging. It is increasing and does change. We understand that stars explode, exhaust their fuel and fade away, or crush themselves down into a singularity. This universe we stay in is a totally dynamic vicinity. Galaxies collide, solar systems collide, planets and moons, and a whole host of gadgets can break into each other at any moment. All of it dancing to the gravitational track of the heavens. All of which factors to something but a steady country.

What I am approximately to suggest on this paper is an idea that I actually have dwelled upon for years. It is a theory that I consider in, and has helped me come to a better information of our universe. It additionally goes beyond the sticking point of, “What came before”. In my opinion there are simplest two present day theories that make feel. There is my concept of the not anything universe and there is the idea of God. No rely how difficult I rack my brain I just can not come to another end. Either my idea is accurate, an appropriate theory has no longer been written, or God is liable for the whole thing. These had been the choices I gave myself, and for now I am going to stay with my conclusions. My intention now’s to share my principle with the sector, and wish that it is a superb one. I accept as true with that this idea well ties together all of the lose ends of life. I additionally accept as true with that it’s miles every bit as proper because the Big Bang Theory. With a clean information of our beginnings, we can be able to benefit complete insight into the internal workings of our reality. I could additionally like to feature that I talk to my hypothesis as a idea because I accept as true with maximum, if not all, of the evidence in support of the Big Bang can also be used to help my speculation.

The Nothing Universe

We are all acquainted with our human concept of not làm bằng đại học anything. When a bottle is empty, we say; “Nothing is in it”. We realize that this is not absolutely the case. What we’re referring to is the reality that what we concept should be in the bottle is now not there. In order for not anything to really be in the bottle, the bottle itself would need to comprise a vacuum. A vacuum is the whole absence of remember. This would be a really perfect vacuum. Space isn’t always a great vacuum, and it’s miles hard to mention if a perfect vacuum may even exist. Regardless a vacuum is the genuine concept of nothing, but it isn’t the proper shape of nothing. What I am pronouncing is that our idea of nothing and the true shape of not anything are different things. The actual state of nothing is neutrality. A stability among prices in a superbly organized atom. This best atom I even have named the Nothing Atom. This nothing atom is composed of each count number and anti count particles joined together and separated by means of neutrons. The nothing atom consists of the proton, the neutron, the electron, in addition to their anti count number opposite numbers. They are all locked together and stored from destroying each other by neutrons. I do now not know the exact arrangement of those particles on this best atom, but this is irrelevant. All that is crucial is the idea that they may be all locked collectively on this one perfect Nothing Atom. The electron and the positron do not annihilate each other, due to the fact they occupy exceptional orbital lobes. Again, I do now not absolutely apprehend the exact arrangement of this atom; only that it existed. Whatever an appropriate association is, this perfectly neutral Nothing Atom is the handiest element that existed within the pre-universe and composed infinity totally. No unfastened spce existed between those atoms. There became no movement and there for no time, however we can use the concept of infinity to provide us an idea of the state of the universe up till the point of the occasion.